Friday, March 27, 2009


The recruiter I was working with originally is no longer set to go to ANCOC until the end of his recruiting duty in October so we’re back on track to work together.  Being driven, slightly patient, and at times deliberate is very important in this process as I have seen.  I went to see him after work rather than going to my Marketing class, I actually waited for him to come back into the office for about fifteen to thirty minutes and waited there as he filled in my SF86 security questionnaire and medical questionnaire.  When I left last night he had completed almost everything, all of the medical data needed for MEPS and the majority of the SF86.  For the remaining SF86, I left with him, a copy of one I had completed on my own at home so he could just type in what I listed.


Now, we’ll see how long it takes to get to MEPS, I was told next week.  We’ll see, I hope that’s correct, if not, I highly doubt that I’ll make the April board and will end up going in May.


As for Physical Fitness, I ran 2 miles sub 14 minutes last night! WHOOOOO HOOOOOO!  I haven’t ran a sub 14 since my first tour in Iraq, this run was about the same coming in around 13:40 ... in fact, I believe being 27, that’s close to my max point level now.  I’ve still got a lot of work to do on pushups and sit-ups, but I can pass both with no real problem.


I’m allowed to be at 212lbs, and I’m currently at 217, not too bad, but I fluctuate up to 222 and down to 215 usually.  I’ll have to be very particular about my diet to get down to 212.  If I’m unable, I’m sure I’ll tape out for BMI.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pre MEPS Recruiting

Back on track, I went to the recruiting center yesterday evening on the way home from work to see if my recruiter had a chance to work on my packet, he was not there and no, he did not have any of the entry done.   So, this time I mentioned to another recruiting I had been talking to previously about OCS, and found out he just put in an OCS applicant within the last two months.  I explained, remaining both tactful and respectful in regards to my recruiter, that I had been coming in for over a month handing every document over myself, and had no results.  I also explained my concern in regards to my recruiter leaving for school next week…


In a matter of minutes, I was sitting in the station commanders office with the recruiter I had been talking to about my concern, and the station commander himself.  They quickly reassured me that they were both going to take over my packet and process me in together.  They intend to have my medical paperwork ready for MEPS TODAY!  One day to do what my other recruiter has not gotten around to at all.  They tell me I should be able to go to MEPS next week or the week after now, and that we’ll do what we can to get into the board as soon as possible.


My advice:  If you work with your recruiter diligently and see no results, request to speak with the station commander, and remember do not throw anyone under the bus!  You’re not in the military yet, and these guys hold the keys to get you there, just remember to remain respectful at all times.  This is good training for military life anyway, you’ll be experiencing many frustrations like this or worse in regards to bureaucratic process.




Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Every recruiter is a little different.  For those who think all the recruiters want are points, it’s not exactly true.  It is my understanding that typically a recruiter will recruit for three years, and the majority will max their points out in just under two years.  It’s not very hard, especially with the current economic situation.


Now into my SITREP post…  The recruiter processing my paperwork now has all but one letter of recommendation, which means I should be able to go to MEPS at any time now, I’m just waiting.  Unfortunately I’ve had all the documentation to be able to hit MEPS for going on three weeks now and I’m still waiting around.  In my particular situation, I have a recruiter that is getting ready to go to ANCOC next week, shortly after that he’s done with recruiting duty.  Since he’s going to ANCOC he took leave for all of last week and is getting ready to take leave before he goes…  At this point, I get the feeling he’s not at all interested in getting his remaining recruits, including me, in the door.  Argh… I realize I’ll be waiting until he’s gone to be handed off to another recruiter, at which point I’ll see if I can have any influence on which one I go to, preferably one that hasn’t yet been soured by the monotony of recruiting.

I'm still hoping to hit the April Board...  At first I was assured, back in February that I'd make it to the March board...

One way or another I'll get there.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Physical Fitness

If all goes well I'll go to see the doc at MEPS next week.  I've been pushing myself on running as hard as I can getting ready for the Physical Fitness Test I'll have to take in a few days/weeks before the board.

I've been doing long and short runs, long being between four and five miles and short being two.  I hit 14:30 on the two mile over the weekend but it took everything I had to make it happen, I was ready to puke at the end.  My personal best two mile so far has been 13:10 in 2000.  For the five mile I hit 41:30, trying my hardest to get sub 40:00 in case I'm lucky enough to get into Ranger School.

Push Ups: 52
Sit Ups: 62

I'm 27... I plan to score a 275+ on the APFT at OCS, and hope to go in October.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Docs in a Row

I'm still working on getting all of my documents together.  I turned in a birth certificate to my recruiter yesterday, and found out he's going to ANCOC and passing my packet off to the station NCOIC/station commander in a few weeks.  We're hoping to have MEPS/Physical/Security Interview all completed before that so all we'll have left is the board.

U of Tenn Chattanooga has changed my status to Candidate for Graduation in August 2009, now I just need to sure up a plan with my boss so I can take a day class five days a week for eight weeks this summer.  The classes will be over before physical inventory (I'm in accounting), so I've got that going for my case.

Physical Fitness, I ran a bit more than four miles yesterday, and I've been engaging in some type of exercise on a daily basis.  My weight is at 217 as of this morning, and I'm allowed somewhere around 207, I'm sure I'll tape out, but who wants to wait around for the tape...  This weekend, I'll go to the local high school track and run an APFT for myself.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

March 4th 2009 Status

I turned in the OCS Packet photo today and signed the release form for documents and history regarding the SF 86.  I was told MEPS in Knoxville will be open this Saturday, and I'm hoping I can get in, though I doubt it as I had a cist removed from my lower back just a few weeks ago and my recruiter/the MEPS will need the documentation regarding this.

 Work is going good, the recession has me worried that we may not make it through to the end of the Summer/Fall...  I hope so, I don't know what we'll do about our house/mortgage, and since I won't graduate until August, I cannot ship to OCS until September or October.

The packet is coming along, from reading the ArmyOCS page, it seems a handful of guys/gals believe their recruiter should be getting the documents squared away for them... I wonder if they also think their first CO will hold their hand while they get to meet and begin working with their first  Platoon...  hmmm...